2021 |
James C. VanderKam |
R. H. Charles and Modern Biblical Studies
2020 |
Adele Reinhartz |
The Hermeneutics of Chutzpah: A Disquisition on the Value/s of “Critical Investigation of the Bible”
2019 |
Gale A. Yee |
Thinking Intersectionally: Gender, Race, Class, and the Etceteras of Our Discipline
2018 |
Brian K. Blount |
The Souls of Biblical Folks and the Potential for Meaning
2017 |
Michael Fox |
The Meanings of the Book of Job
2016 |
Beverly Roberts Gaventa |
Reading Romans 13 with Simone Weil: Toward a More
Generous Hermeneutic
2015 |
Athalya Brenner-Idan |
On Scholarship and Related Animals: A Personal View
from and for the Here and Now
2014 |
Fernando F. Segovia |
Criticism in Critical Times:
Reflections on Vision and Task
2013 |
Carol L. Meyers |
Was Ancient Israel a Patriarchal Society?
2012 |
John Dominic Crossan |
A Vision of Divine Justice: The Resurrection of Jesus in Eastern Christian Iconography
2011 |
Carol Newsom |
Models of the Moral Self: Hebrew Bible and Second Temple Judaism
2010 |
Vincent L. Wimbush |
Interpreters—Enslaving/ Enslaved/Runagate
2009 |
David J.A. Clines |
Learning, Teaching, and Researching Biblical Studies,Today and Tomorrow
2008 |
Jonathan Z. Smith |
Religion and Bible
2007 |
Katharine Doob Sakenfeld |
Whose Text Is It?
2006 |
Robert Kraft |
Presidential Address
2005 |
Carolyn Osiek |
Catholic or catholic? Biblical Scholarship at the Center
2004 |
David L. Petersen |
Genesis and Family Values
2003 |
Eldon Epp |
The Oxyrhynchus New Testament Papyri: “Not Without Honor Except in their Hometown”?
2002 |
John J. Collins |
The Zeal of Phinehas: The Bible and the Legitimation of Violence
2001 |
Harold Attridge |
Genre Bending in the Fourth Gospel
2000 |
Adele Berlin |
The Book of Esther and Ancient Storytelling
1999 |
D. Moody Smith |
When Did the Gospels Become Scripture?
1998 |
Patrick D. Miller |
Deuteronomy and Psalms: Evoking a Biblical Conversation
1997 |
Hans Dieter Betz |
Antiquity and Christianity
1996 |
Gene M. Tucker |
Rain on a Land Where No One Lives: The Hebrew Bible on the Environment
1995 |
Leander E. Keck |
Rethinking "New Testament Ethics"
1994 |
Phyllis Trible |
Exegesis for Storytellers and Other Strangers
1993 |
Victor P. Furnish |
On Putting Paul in His Place
1992 |
Norman K. Gottwald |
Social Class as an Analytic and Hermeneutical Category in Biblical Studies
1991 |
Helmut Koester |
Jesus the Victim
1990 |
Walter Brueggemann |
At the Mercy of Babylon: A Subversive Rereading of the Empire
1989 |
Paul J. Achtemeier |
Omne verbum sonat: The New Testament and the Oral Environment of Late WesternAntiquity
1988 |
Philip J. King |
The Eighth, the Greatest of Centuries?
1987 |
Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza |
The Ethics of Biblical Interpretation: Decentering Biblical Scholarship
1986 |
James L. Mays |
The Place of the Torah-Psalms in the Psalter
1985 |
Wayne A. Meeks |
Understanding Early Christian Ethics
1984 |
Roland E. Murphy |
Wisdom and Creation
1983 |
Krister Stendahl |
The Bible as a Classic and the Bible as Holy Scripture
1982 |
Lou H. Silberman |
Listening to the Text
1981 |
James M. Robinson |
Jesus from Easter to Valentinus (Or to the Apostles' Creed)
1980 |
Bernhard Anderson |
Tradition and Scripture in the Community of Faith
1979 |
Joseph A. Fitzmyer |
The Aramaic Language and the Study of the New Testament
1978 |
James A. Sanders |
Text and Canon: Concepts and Method
1977 |
Raymond E. Brown |
"Other Sheep Not of This Fold": The Johannine Perspective on Christian Diversity in the Late First Century
1976 |
David Noel Freedman |
Pottery, Poetry, and Prophecy: An Essay on Biblical Poetry
1975 |
Robert W. Funk |
The Watershed of the American Biblical Tradition: The Chicago School, First Phase, 1892-1920
1974 |
Frank M. Cross, Jr. |
A Reconstruction of the Judean Restoration
1973 |
Norman Perrin |
Eschatology and Hermeneutics: Reflections on Method in the Interpretation of the NewTestament
1972 |
Walter J. Harrelson |
Title and link of address to be determined
1971 |
Bruce M. Metzger |
Literary Forgeries and Canonical Pseudepigrapha
1970 |
Harry M. Orlinsky |
Whither Biblical Research?
1969 |
Frank W. Beare |
The Mission of the Disciples and the Mission Charge: Matthew 10 and Parallels
1968 |
James Muilenburg |
Form Criticism and beyond
1967 |
Paul Schubert |
The Final Cycle of Speeches in the Book of Acts
1966 |
John L. McKenzie |
Reflections on Wisdom
1965 |
Kenneth W. Clark |
The Theological Relevance of Textual Variation in Current Criticism of the Greek New Testament
1964 |
Fred V. Winnett |
Re-Examining the Foundations
1963 |
John Knox |
Romans 15:14-33 and Paul's Conception of His Apostolic Mission
1962 |
Herbert G. May |
Cosmological Reference in the Qumran Doctrine of the Two Spirits and in Old Testament Imagery
1961 |
Samuel Sandmel |
1960 |
R. B. Y. Scott |
Priesthood, Prophecy, Wisdom, and the Knowledge of God
1959 |
Robert M. Grant |
Two Gnostic Gospels
1958 |
William A. Irwin |
A Still Small Voice ... Said, What Are You Doing Here?
1957 |
Sherman E. Johnson |
Early Christianity in Asia Minor
1956 |
J. Philip Hyatt |
The Dead Sea Discoveries: Retrospect and Challenge
1955 |
Amos N. Wilder |
Scholars, Theologians, and Ancient Rhetoric
1954 |
Millar Burrows |
Thy Kingdom Come
1953 |
S. Vernon McCasland |
The Unity of the Scriptures
1952 |
Sheldon Blank |
Men against God: The Promethean Element in Biblical Prayer
1951 |
Erwin R. Goodenough |
The Inspiration of New Testament Research
1950 |
Robert H. Pfeiffer |
Facts and Faith in Biblical History
1949 |
Floyd V. Filson |
Method in Studying Biblical History
1948 |
John W. Flight |
No address delivered
1947 |
Ernest Cadman Colwell |
Biblical Criticism: Lower and Higher
1946 |
Leroy Waterman |
Biblical Studies in a New Setting
1945 |
Morton Scott Enslin |
The Future of Biblical Studies
1944 |
Theophile James Meek |
The Syntax of the Sentence in Hebrew
1943 |
Kirsopp Lake |
No address delivered
1942 |
Kirsopp Lake |
No address delivered
1941 |
Julian Morgenstern |
The Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis
1940 |
Chester C. McCown |
Gospel Geography: Fiction, Fact, and Truth
1939 |
William F. Albright |
The Ancient Near East and the Religion of Israel
1938 |
Wm. Henry Paine Hatch |
The Primitive Christian Message
1937 |
George Dahl |
The Messianic Expectation in the Psalter
1936 |
Henry J. Cadbury |
Motives of Biblical Scholarship
1935 |
Elihu Grant |
The Philistines
1934 |
Frederick C. Grant |
The Spiritual Christ
1933 |
James Moffatt |
The Sacred Book in Religion
1932 |
J. M. Powis Smith |
The Character of King David
1931 |
Burton Scott Easton |
New Testament Ethical Lists
1930 |
William Frederic Badè |
Ceramics and History in Palestine
1929 |
James E. Frame |
Paul's Idea of Deliverance
1928 |
Loring Woart Batten |
Hosea's Message and Marriage
1927 |
Irving F. Wood |
The Contribution of the Bible to the History of Religion
1926 |
Shirley Jackson Case |
The Alleged Messianic Consciousness of Jesus
1925 |
Julius A. Bewer |
The Hellenistic Mystery Religion and the Old Testament
1924 |
Clayton R. Bowen |
Why Eschatology?
1923 |
Max L. Margolis |
Our Own Future: Forecast and a Programme
1922 |
William R. Arnold |
Observations on the Origins of Holy Scripture
1921 |
Kemper Fullerton |
Viewpoints in the Discussion of Isaiah's Hopes for the Future
1920 |
Albert T. Clay |
A Recent Journey through Babylonia and Assyria
1919 |
Edgar J. Goodspeed |
The Origin of Acts
1918 |
James A. Montgomery |
Present Tasks of American Biblical Scholarship
1917 |
Warren J. Moulton |
The Dating of the Synoptic Gospels
1916 |
Morris Jastrow Jr. |
Constructive Elements in the Critical Study of the Old Testament
1915 |
Charles Cutler Torrey |
The Need of a New Edition of the Hebrew Bible
1914 |
Nathaniel Schmidt |
The Story of the Food and the Growth of the Pentateuch
1913 |
George A. Barton |
The Hermeneutic Canon "Interpret Historically" in the Light of Modern Research: Presidential Address at the Annual Meeting, Dec. 29, 1913
1912 |
Lewis B. Paton |
Israel's Conquest of Canaan: Presidential Address at the Annual Meeting, Dec. 27, 1912
1911 |
Ernest de Witt Burton |
Some Phases of the Synoptic Problem: Presidential Address, 1911
1910 |
David G. Lyon |
On the Archaeological Exploration of Palestine: Presidential Address, 1910
1909 |
Henry Preserved Smith |
Old Testament Ideals: Presidential Address, 1909
1908 |
Frank Chamberlain Porter |
The Bearing of Historical Studies on the Religious Use of the Bible
1907 |
James Hardy Ropes |
The Epistle to the Hebrews
1906 |
Paul Haupt |
The Book of Nahum
1905 |
William Rainey Harper |
No address delivered
1904 |
Willis J. Beecher |
Torah: A Word-Study in the Old Testament
1903 |
Richard J. H. Gottheil |
Some Early Jewish Bible Criticism: Annual Presidential Address to the Society of BiblicalLiterature and Exegesis
1902 |
Benjamin W. Bacon |
Ultimate Problems of Biblical Science: Annual Presidential Address to the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis
1901 |
Edward Y. Hincks |
Some Tendencies and Results of Recent New Testament
1900 |
John P. Peters |
The Religion of Moses
1899 |
George F. Moore |
The Age of the Jewish Canon of Hagiographa
1898 |
George F. Moore |
Jewish Historical Literature
1897 |
Edward T. Bartlett |
No address found
1896 |
Edward T.Bartlett |
Old Testament Problems
1895 |
Francis Brown |
The Historical Element in the New Testament
1895 |
J. Henry Thayer |
The Historical Element in the New Testament
1894 |
J. Henry Thayer |
No address delivered
1893 |
Talbot W. Chambers |
No address delivered
1892 |
Talbot W. Chambers |
On the Function of the Prophet
1891 |
Charles A. Briggs |
No address found
1890 |
Francis Brown |
No address found
1889 |
Frederic Gardiner |
No address found
1888 |
Frederic Gardiner |
No address found
1887 |
Frederic Gardiner |
No address found
1886 |
Daniel Raynes Goodwin |
No address found
1885 |
Daniel Raynes Goodwin |
No address found
1884 |
Daniel Raynes Goodwin |
No address found
1883 |
Daniel Raynes Goodwin |
No address found
1882 |
Daniel Raynes Goodwin |
No address found
1881 |
Daniel Raynes Goodwin |
No address found
1880 |
Daniel Raynes Goodwin |
No address found